We are living in unprecedented times with worldwide inflation, supply chain disruptions, an uptick in natural disasters, cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, corruption on every level, and civil unrest. These factors are shaping up to be a powder keg that is about ready to explode into worldwide chaos.
People who are worried about their future have already prepared and are ready to survive apart from society. Everyone else appears to be in shock as they witness the destruction of everything they have grown to depend upon.
Since May of 2021, prices have gone up more than 5% month after month on nearly everything from food to supplies. If this continues or gets worse, it is only a matter of time before people throw in the towel and resort to anarchy to survive.
Here are 9 prepping items that have dramatically soared in price lately. In any case, everyone should be stockpiling these items now before they become even more expensive or aren’t available anymore.
MRE Meals Price
MRE meals are becoming more and more expensive, due to the cost of materials, food, and the overall demand for prepared meals.
Preppers have been stocking up on MRE meals in preparation for what is to come, but now more people are waking up to the cold reality and are panic buying MRE meals.
Related: Making Your Own MREs at Home
While it is impossible to say exactly what will happen in the future, food stocks are a hedge against society so buy more MRE meals and store them away while they are still available.
Canned Food Price
Canned food, especially sardines and tuna continue to go up in price, as demand has greatly increased, while supply is decreasing. In some areas, canned sardines are completely sold out and stores have no idea when they will be back in stock.
China, one of the biggest manufacturers of aluminum cans in the world, has recently shut down a number of factories because they can’t afford the price of coal required to keep the electric plant operational. While shocking, many other factories in China that produce basic products required for nearly everything are also shut down.
If there are not enough aluminum cans to go around, canned food products will be harder and harder to find. If canned food is still available at the local grocery store, don’t even look at the price, just buy as many as possible and store them away.
Guns and Ammo
Both guns and ammo have increased in price, as overall demand for both keeps skyrocketing.
Related: What To Do When Stores Run Out Of Guns And Ammo
The majority of the population realizes that self-defense is going to be critical to protect food and supplies.
Additionally, with a push to pass more gun control regulations, stocking up on firearms and plenty of ammo right now is the best way to ensure safety.
Winchester and Browning increased ammo prices in May and a future price hike wouldn’t be surprising. Currently, the price of ammo is shockingly high, and in many places hard to acquire, so stock up now.
The price of grains is increasing worldwide, as corn and soy both experienced significant crop destruction throughout 2021. In response, countries including Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Romania, and Kazakhstan limited or banned specific grain exports.
The time to stock up on grains for long-term storage is now, while most areas still have supplies available.
While the prices appear high, having a pantry full of non-perishable items is insurance for whatever could happen during winter.
If supply chain issues worsen, grocery stores may not have anything to put on their shelves. While we all hope for the best-case scenario, preparing for the worst-case scenario offers stability during uncertain times.
Natural Gas Price
Natural gas prices are spiking worldwide and don’t appear to be coming back to baseline anytime soon. In some areas of Europe, natural gas supplies are expected to drop significantly, as demand increases into winter. With recent rumors that Russia may limit natural gas exports to Europe, the natural gas shortage has the potential to turn into a catastrophe.
Anyone who heats their home or cooks with natural gas or propane should stock up now to ensure they have enough to get through the winter. Even houses that are heated by the electrical grid should have a backup system like natural gas or wood in case the power goes out and doesn’t turn back on.
While a complete power outage may seem like a long shot, cyberattacks on the power grid or a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) disruption could lead to such a scenario.
Again, preparing for the worst-case scenario, while hoping for the best, is the smartest practice.
Gasoline, Diesel, and Vegetable Oil
Gasoline and diesel continue to increase in price on nearly a daily basis. If the power goes out, preppers who own generators are going to be using lots of gasoline or diesel.
Ideally, opt for a diesel generator, as diesel fuel can be stored for quite a bit longer than gasoline. For the same reason, a car or truck that runs on diesel is a better option than gasoline.
With the proper storage container like a 55-gallon drum specifically made for petroleum, stock up on diesel fuel now, while the price is still relatively cheap.
Related: The First Thing You Need To Do When The Gas Price Rises Above $5 Per Gallon
Additionally, diesel engines can run on a mix of diesel and vegetable oil (or just vegetable oil in a pinch) without any modifications, although modifications make it more efficient.
Since most preppers will have copious amounts of vegetable oil in their food stocks, it is important to be aware of this potential use case. However, no one will want to burn vegetable oil unless necessary, as it has been skyrocketing in price with palm oil and canola oil at all-time highs.
Expensive Is A Relative Term
These 9 prepping items that have dramatically soared in price lately are going to get more expensive if hyperinflation sets in and the supply chain continues to melt down.
On the surface, stocking up on food, supplies, and fuel may seem illogical due to the cost. However, having these items at your disposal is far more advantageous than having your money sit around while its real-world value drops.
Ideally, stock up enough food and supplies to last into spring or longer to get through the dark winter ahead.
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Cheapest Foods that You Can Stockpile
When Grocery Stores Go Empty – A Back Door Shopping Strategy (Video)
Sheet metal is 5 x higher
Wood is 4x higher
Steel is 3 x higher
copper is 3x higher
Food is anywhere from 10 to 50 percent higher
Lets Go Brandon and thank’s to the crippling inflation this country will fail.
I’ve posted on this blog about a year and a half ago warning of this. It bears repeating.
There is a direct correlation between the amount of money in circulation and its value. The effects are not felt for 18 to 24 months. When the money supply doubles so do your prices for goods thus the value of your dollar is less. Last estimate I know of is that there is now $2.2 Trillion U.S. in circulation. Our government has approved over $1T in spending and want another $1T + with their latest spending packages. Expect your prices to go up another 50 to 100% over the next 18-24 months depending on what gets or doesn’t get passed into law.
Want to help with the solution, go to conventionofstates.com and add your voice.
> That however, I attribute to the balanced budget bipartisan
> agreement spearheaded by Newt Gingrich.
That was just another lie foisted upon us. As an example how BubbaNewt (BUdget Balance Before Any NEW Taxes) balanced the budget, Congress owed the postal service billions of dollars of “foregone revenue”. Clinton (Bubba) and Newt’s solution?
They took out a 42 year IOU and were suppose to repay it at $28-$32 million a year, depending on the interest rate. For the last past 15+ years or so, the USPS has to go begging for their money every year as they never get paid. Which to pay, they borrow from Social InSecurity, by writing the SS a 70+ year IOU.
PMG Runyon probably thought he had seen everything twisted there was to see from the government when he ran the TVA, not so.
In the fwiw category, the 1990s Hillary Clinton was played by Shirley Jones, her son Patrick plays Mike Pense, Donald Trump’s VP. Something to think about when considering the “stolen” election or balanced budgets.
convention of the states lol…….
that’s going to happen and the right will sell out the 2nd amendment and the 1st.
Name nine things that haven’t gone up. Thank you dear Democrat Socialist Party.
Actually Laura, Trum signed the first two stimulus bill into law and now Biden is on track to double that. It’s not a party specific thing, it’s a Federal Government problem.
1. My bank account
2. My love for liberals/democrats
3. My desire to travel
4. My obedience to wearing a mask
5. My vaccination level (still at 0 for flu/covid)
6. My belief that the election was fair
7. My trust in the federal government
8. Trust in MSM
9. My optimism of the future of our country
Cavalryman: But, with Trump, we could afford it. This is shear Weimar Republic crap on the part of the dnc. niio
Red, I agree it is Weimer Republic crap. However, I have to disagree about being able to afford it. If we had the money the national debt would not have gone up $6,807,290,102,465.77 during President Trumps tenure. Granted that was second best restrain of federal spending since Lynden Johnson’s administration. I also will concede that Clinton had 2% slower growth to the deficit. That however, I attribute to the balanced budget bipartisan agreement spearheaded by Newt Gingrich.
Dude, when I worked for Lowes…..
2 years ago lumber prices might have changed… Quarterly, if that.
Before I left them in may, we had to install digital price tags on lumber because sometimes the price would change daily, I’d not multiple times a day.
The full quote, attributed to Cicero, reads as follows: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. For the traitor appears not a traitor – He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
“Appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men”
Free Shit anybody? Nothing is free we are just STARTING to pay the Piper now. Bread and Circuses anybody? Wait until the EBT card don’t FEED their families.
Nothing new under the sun.
Food stored for the winter dear author? Are you aware how long it takes from seed to harvest for even the earliest crops? Boc Choy 55-60 days. It’s cabbage. Early potatoes about the same. Wildlife even if not hunted to scarcity is at its least nutritious due to THEM being semi-starved all winter.
Spring is historically (pre-grocery store with 365 days a year “Fresh Bananas”) known as the STARVING SEASON.
Two Years of food basics was deemed prudent when total gardening failure is possible due to Ma Nature OR Looters (once known as raiding Armies)
Genesis 41…25At this, Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what He is about to do. 26The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven ripe heads of grain are seven years. The dreams have the same meaning. 27Moreover, the seven thin, ugly cows that came up after them are seven years, and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind—they are seven years of famine.…
If you can eat those electronic digits known as “Money in the Bank” Go for it. Otherwise get BUSY acquiring and PROPERLY Storing your basics for two years friends.
That Prepping buddy with all those guns and ammo BUT just a few weeks or so of MRE’s? Your next Raider when their children are crying “Daddy, I’m HUNGRY”.
That’s why I push for everybody to buy food NOW so I don’t have to shoot them later.
Michael: We’ve been making a lot of kimchi lately. Each heart from onions, napa, bok choi, and so on are soaked overnight, then planted in peat. Most seem to be rooting well. ‘Tis the cabbage season down here, so they can go out in a month or so. even if they bolt, that and the stalk are good. niio
Smart Red, very smart. Maybe you should write an article on the Aw Shit Garden.
Like how to use food “scraps” like your heart plantings and Thick Peeled Potatoes with eyes to establish plantings. Seeds salvaged from overripe tomatoes, peppers and squash grow very well
Bok Choy is very good at regrowing from the stub after you cut off the stalks for dinner. Just remember to change the water daily to prevent “Slime”. Slime kills off most attempts to root used up veggies before you plant them in good soil.
Using a sun Opaque Tarp (or black plastic) to clear garden plots. The weeds and such spend their energy over several weeks TRYING to reach the sun and either die off or are so weak they are easily weeded.
Using tarps or sheet plastic with smooth rocks and cordage to establish rainwater collection systems and digging a 4 X 4 X 4 hole and lining it with plastic for a 450-gallon reservoir using a mostly square bit of 20 X 20 black plastic. How you make a lid is up to you. If you choose to use a door then I’d go for a larger hole
YOU MUST protect collected water, too easy for children to drown and water to get polluted and useless. SAFE Water IS LIFE.
I suspect folks will be needing this information next spring. I hope and pray I am wrong, but my gut says otherwise.
If you go over to Prepared Christians webpage, I wrote a partial article for Todd titled “An Emergency Garden for the Unprepared” and he has a good article with some comments of mine about rainwater collection titled “A water catchment scenario” that is LINKED in that Garden Article.
Red BTW Rejoice if they Bolt. That Bolt Spear is the plant trying to make SEEDS!!
I’ve gotten seeds from cabbage and Bok Choy using partial leftovers after I cooked up the rest.
Michael: Water catchment, 10x10x6, and inground gray water/compost pit 4x10x6, will be capped. So far, we’re looking at reinforced concrete to hide it like it was a patio.
What are weeds? Food or fertilizer. Drop mulch over even mallows and they rot fast into humus. BTW, mallows are eatable. New leaves and roots, as well. Right now, some rocket is up, but not a lot. The drought knocked it for a loop and harvester ants stole most of the seed.
Bad weeds here are bermuda grass and morning glories. both will take over in the blink of an eye. Except for a native variety, MG’s are illegal.
Green slime in the aquaponics killed a lot of plants till all the openings were closed. Re-growing onions, celery, and cabbage family, they get soaked only overnight to remove the anti-sprouting chems, then planted in peat. this is our second spring, with treats now of frosts. Potatoes are getting ready to be planted in mid-Jan.
The achira (canna lily) needs to be dug and roots converted to starch. Here, they’re a perennial, so good roots (long, few knobs) will stay in the ground to reproduce. It’s been too warm, and the lemon tree (Myers) won’t stop blooming. niio
Cabbages are one of the things that grow quite well up here also, red. Might have to get used to eating a lot of coleslaw.
Next year will try my hand at container gardening. Already have the containers. Stay safe.
Well said, Michael. Everyone needs to convert as much of their worthless paper into tangible goods as they can manage NOW. Keep just enough in the bank to cover your bills. Have a little on hand for emergencies. Gold and silver to help you weather the storm. Silver for barter. Gold for wealth preservation. Food and water on hand is a given. A community around you that you can be pretty sure will come together if it all goes to heck. We can’t survive on our own. Take care my friend. Hope to see you come out the other side better and stronger.
Judgement is eminent
when the leadership is praying and worshiping false deities, fake idols, Money, etc
then throwing your severnty away for the love of money , this is what happens
like it or not , we are in a fight for right and wrong
nations of the world are being lied to , forced into lock downs over fake virus which the body has the ability to fight off and then forced to take dna changers which change your identity
you were created by God who is true and cannot be replaced
then the leadership violates every so called law, and throws out the constitution for MONEY , the LOVE of MONEY
this is what yu get
GET Prepared , Pray ask for God to open your eyes so you can see clearly , ask for forgiveness , confess any known sin to God, ask for Jesus Christ to come in and be your savior for YOUr sin , Dont Blame , Just report Truth , Facts , and this will set you free
no matter what you have to have 3mths food , rations, provisions
and protection from the looters, gangs, thugs, evil from this admin who will take , steal, lie, cheat with no remorse
in times of hardship the evil comes out like no tomorrow , trying to survive
homeless by choice is different then take by evil , make no mistake , this is written in the Bible , Truth , Bible
Believing in evolution rather than God or Creation, over 50% of the country has turned its back on God. Multiple times, Israel did the same and were harshly disciplined for doing so, but multiple times, being God’s chosen, they returned to their land. Once defeated and scattered, no other nation has ever been able to reestablish itself. Our so called leaders should learn from this history. God will not be mocked. We should look to God in our immediate future and not to apostate leaders.
We live in an actor based reality and these actors already are aware of the judgement that has already been sent out because of abortion, “Curse of the Zeroes” . Even our river boundaries and states that support homosexual marriage were laid out according to this curse, Zech 13, before the free mason ACTORS such as George Washington had the thought of 1776.
II Esdras 2 clearly tells us that total global civil war engulfs the world and in the end almost every male is killed. That is Isa 4, seven females left for every Christian male. The only ones that survive untouched are those that flee to the “deep woods”. Which of course is what Federal monuments are, funny that.
The non-humans from Daniel 2 are already here and this earth age is ending by 2048, the “white hats” got that right.
The Creator is in charge and nothing is going to stop his plan and punishment, for man kind and lizard alike.
Psalm 2 – 1599 Geneva Bible
1 Why do the [a]heathen rage, and the people murmur in vain.
2 The kings of the earth band themselves, and the Princes are assembled together against the Lord, and against his [b]Christ.
3 [c]Let us break their bands, and cast their cords from us.
4 But he that dwelleth in the heaven shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
If you’re running Diesel, DEF fluid might be one to stock up on as well. There is an ongoing UREA shortage that is probably going to impact the price shortly.
That should make chemical farmers joyful. One great thing about the nazi left is, they’re experts at opening wounds we barely realized were there. Then festering in it. niio
That Urea shortage is gonna mess up all the Meth cookers too.
Judge: Guess they’ll have to go back to using cat urine
Maybe not such a bad thing Judge unless they find a substitute for UREA. Shades of Breaking Bad. Meth has to be one of the greatest evils in modern day society. I wish I had the power to round up all the meth producers and line ’em up against a wall. One bullet per person.
The latest I’ve heard John is that we’re going to be completely out of by DEF by sometime Feb. ’22.
Amen. You have all that right. Fools will laugh at you now and buy the latest version of the Iphone, but may be the ones you have to shoot later when they come for your food, screaming how you should share with them.
People say our children will have to pay back the borrowing our government is doing now in the future, but that payback will not be in the form of money or taxes. It will be in the form of suffering when the economy collapses because the government no longer gives its handouts, the financial markets collapse due to inflation and there is no food or anything else to be had. Then they will suffer and wonder how it could have happened.
Noah’s Ark?
I fear you’re right Hugh. If you think about it there’s no way in heck that any country will ever be able to pay off a Federal debt that’s currently at 29T and rising. Every time I say trillion I get vertigo. The TOTAL debt stands at over 80T. They have no choice but to let the economy crash to “burn” off the debt. Then they’ll devalue the currency and do the great reset. If you have gold and silver on hand at that point you’ll be able to buy the new currency whether it’s digital or not. Your “oldbucks” will be worthless. May as keep them for some extra TP.
Armin: Hang onto those greenbacks. Confederate paper went from zero value (unless you needed toilet paper) to collectors’ items. Inflation makes it easy for debts to be paid, which is how Germany got out of debt to France and the UK.
After the EU consolidated, I had been given a pile of UK pound notes. A cousin brought them home when discharged. And, she was going to throw them away because they were worthless. Now? I gave her back half which she sent to a son stationed in the UK. The things is, worth is in the eyes of the beholder. I had a large peso note that was worth pennies when I was a kid (then, 3,000 pesos to the dollar). It spent well my last trip to Mexico, value of peso then, 25c to the dollar. If they want to accuse me of being a hoarder, I can show them my collection of empty juice jugs, recycled plastic bags (get them from the coffee shop with ground in them), and so on. I might even allow them to see boxes of used shell casings, all brass. the bail jars, no. Most were picked up when they were junk. We use them for high acid canning, pickles and juices. niio
I agree we’re heading for the great reset. Then what? Do you think they will quit overspending the new “red” US dollars? I don’t think so either. That is why we have to start now with a convention of states to get in place the needed corrections to slap the federal government back into place. Conventionofstates.com, a solution.
Noah’s Ark?
Impossible to read since your pop ups block the screen.
Carolyn… that is your computer…not the poster on Mr. Prepper. You will need to disable it on your end. I see no pop-ups.
Did anyone notice Ole Two-Shot’s comment that the reason for inflation is that people have too much money?
Wait for the other shoe to drop.
I don’t know what the underlying implication of that comment is, but I suspect either a currency exchange or national EBT cards for purchases of food and other essentials.
I expect to see a one for ten swap. One nubuck for every ten greenbacks. Suddenly the national debt doesn’t look so bad. Meanwhile, prices will stay pegged at the old rate. Hamburger will stay at $3.99 a pound while you have 40 cents with which to buy it. That $500 you had in your checking account is now $5.00 but a can of Progresso soup is still $1.59.
Even if that scenario doesn’t play out, without a radical change in DC, we still are facing raging inflation. Between the drive to raise the minimum wage to $15 and the hyperinflation caused by the national debt, the US is going to look like the Weimar Republic. Both parties are intoxicated with Keynesian economics. Remember, a bunch of Republicans bought into the grandiose spending scheme. History is replete with countries that failed because of devalued money.
We are taught in school that Rome failed due to the invasion of wild tribes from Eastern Europe. That’s not the real reason, it was only the most visible one. Rome failed because the ruling clad kept devaluing the Roman currency. Instead of pure gold it became partly copper, then all copper. Had the Romans had the technology to mass produce paper and print on it, Roman money would have been printed on paper. Sound familiar? First gold coins were eithdrawn from circulation, then silver coins were debased to amalgams. Even pennies are amalgams these days. A penny isn’t worth the amount of copper it takes to make a penny. How scarey is that?
At least a 10:1 ratio Chuck. Maybe even a 100:1 ratio depending upon how bad inflation gets.
Convert as many of your oldbucks RIGHT NOW into as many tangible goods as you can. Keep the minimum on hand in your bank to be able to pay your bills.
Keep a little stash on hand for emergencies. If you can, buy as much silver and gold as you can NOW. They’re still relatively good bargains. Especially silver.
Other than that the usual suspects. Food water guns ammo
Good luck, everyone.
I agree with most of what you’ve said, Erich. I can still get most canned items where I am although they HAVE gone up in price. They don’t use aluminum cans for food. The only thing aluminum cans are used for is things like alcohol. Soft drinks. Fruit drinks, etc. Liquid items. What we think of as tin cans are actually tin-coated steel cans. And that’s what they use for food like beans, spam, veggies etc.
Armin: even that’s only partly true. Most of the “tin cans” you buy and use have a thin, clear plastic coating on the inside. If there is any acidity at all in the food, the cans must be (and are) lined, most of them with a plastic film containing BPA. If they are not, the acids in the food will begin to “etch” the inside of the cans.
Ever used a can of tomato sauce and seen etching on the inside (it looks kind of like a lightning bolt)? That’s acid etching…it means that some of the metal has been dissolved and absorbed into the tomato sauce. You can’t tell how much, and you can’t tell how much damage it causes, but it will build up over time.
Don’t ever be tempted to buy or use the “damaged” cans on the special rack at the food store. If the can is dented, it usually means the plastic coating has been compromised and the “etching” has already begun.
Just some follow-on thoughts about your comment concerning “tin cans.”
there hasn’t been any BPA used in food production for over 30 years now and the “film” you refer to is used in open top can production and not beverage can spinning <<< please stop your ill informed BS
Illini Warrior:
Sorry, but you’re wrong again. I am a retired food inspector. BPA is still used in about 40% of the cans that contain acidic food. Look it up, the information is readily available online through RELIABLE sources. According to current USDA guidance, schools (among others) are not allowed to use any cans of food that are dented or otherwise damaged due to the possibility of acid etching.
The USDA has passed several “no BPA” rules, but the industry got themselves “grandfathered in” for another 10 years or so.
Also, if you can’t disagree without being disagreeable, just stop replying altogether. Your BS comment didn’t add anything to the conversation and just makes you look juvenile.
@Earnest Carter
Thank you for that Earnest. Makes sense. Forgot to take into account that the more acidic goods need more protection. Appreciate you reminding me. Thanks my friend.
My Niece in the PDRK makes 100,000.00 a year. A company pays her to fly to San Francisco for one week a month and do evaluations of school kids, they pay for the flights, her meals, and a VRBO in addition to her salary. She does evaluations one week a month, then writes them up at home for 3 weeks. Has 10 weeks off for the summer, of course, all the school holidays, great benefits. The company works that way because nobody making less than a million year can afford to live in San Francisco. So Uncle Joe is right, in a sense, the rich do have too much money. Shoot, the rich are buying entire towns in Texas these days, Corporations are buying huge ranches, farm and woodland, building Prairie preserves, so they can claim the carbon credits that are going to be associated with land ownership in the near future, allowing companies like Exxon and Amazon to reach Net Zero Carbon w/o wasting money reducing their emissions.
Everybody on the site complains about the Dems raising the minimum wage to 15.00, but they don’t have to, there’s enough of a labor shortage now that Taco Bell in Texas is starting people at 13.50, Amazon is up to 18.00. The food processing industry has always been heavily dependent on illegal labor to keep wages low, but everybody has been so anti immigrant there is now a shortage of illegal labor. Rising labor cost for food processors is one of the biggest inputs in food inflation, same thing in construction.
Insane deficit spending started with G.W. Bush and has just gotten worse. I’m not saying don’t pick on Uncle Joe but it’s going to be hard for him to print as much money as Bush, Obamer, and Trump did. Dang, the media never covered it but Trump made 5 trillion in free imaginary loans available to Wall St. investors. I appreciated him doubling the personal exemption the last few years I was working, but nobody should be so foolish as to think that tax cut was hugely in favor of the rich. What’s wrong with so many working people that they believe a billionaire has their backs?
I’ve lived through three periods of high inflation, it always gets the doomsayers wound up. I remember when Hal Lindsey had all the Christians halfway convinced the Rapture was definitely on for 1984.
I’m pretty sure we’re going to see, at some point in the future, a huge growth of capital in our economy like we saw in the 90s with dotcom and cell phones, either from new technologies or mass immigration, and growth in GDP will absorb all the current insane deficit spending. Well, maybe. My big fear these days is that Biden is too big a fool to resist the idiots in the military and Congress who want to fight big wars with Putin and Xi. We”ll lose, they’ll win (home field advantage) and the economy will never be the same.
Buy what you can. Exchange your paper money for small denomination silver when you can. You should have two years worth in the cache by now. Keep it quiet. “Keep your power dry” is the old saying-save your ammo and have it ready! AND pray everyday for strength and direction. Our father will bless us as long as we don’t forsake him.
@Rick’s Fortune
Silver for barter in the middle of the crisis.
Gold for wealth preservation after the crisis when you have to buy the new currency.
Videos by Lynette Zang are very good for better ‘splainin’ all this Lucy.
Stay strong. Keep prepping until the last possible moment.
Example for all to think about. My cost on a 50lb bucket of chlorine was $98.00 a year ago. Today I got the price list from the supplier, $410.00. And a buying limit. Same line of credit. Really.
Do you seriously not know about the chemical plant fire last year that degraded chlorine production by 50%?? There were numerous articles in the news about it. It’s common knowledge. Grow up.
The last time the US had a balanced budget was 1835, under Jackson.
The last time we had a surplus was 2001, under George “W.” Bush, who had just taken over from Bill Clinton who had seen the national debt reach $5.6 trillion dollars.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter who ran up the debt, just that it may be beyond repair at this point. When the bubble really bursts, the fallout is going to make the Crash of ’29 look like a walk in the park…back in the days when you didn’t have drug addicts and crazy people loitering there shooting up and yelling at the trees.
I don’t think anyone can really grasp just how bad the crash is likely to be. Few of us have experienced anything like this even on a local scale, such as Venezuela or the Balkans. This will be a global collapse, mass suicides, juntas, coups, wars.
And still the sun will rise each morning. You will draw one breath, then another. Then another. You will continue to do so until eventually you stop. But until then you will continue to do those things you can to keep alive for another day. Wake. Get up. Pee. Drink water. Eat food. Poop. Look for more food and water so you can do it all over again the next day.
It’s not the danger of shtf, marauding hordes or a nuclear bomb, that is likely to kill you. It’s the day to day little stuff that’s going to get most of us. An abscessed tooth that goes into blood poisoning. A ruptured appendix causing fatal peritonitis. A blister that gets infected, or a paper cut. Bad food. Some nitwit throwing their sewage into the water supply. Falling off a ladder and breaking your neck. Falling in the tub.
Just the fact that medical services are likely to be restricted from most people due to lack of access or lack of medicine, etc, that’s the real risk in the future we are likely going to get, and the one that everyone is vulnerable to.
Well said Miss Kitty. Sanitation is one of my great concerns. your quote “Some nitwit throwing their sewage into the water supply” is so true. As someone that has done ditch medicine the dental issues and such, I can handle but when someone’s stupidity or malice puts fecal matter (or petroleum into the water supply it’s BAD.
Safe water is LIFE.
Sanitation will be a majorly. When we used the outhouse, there was a bucket of water on the porch, strong soap, and a towel. Old-timers worked hard to stay clean. Wash clothes with pine branches or cedar wood. This helps sterilize the clothes and keeps them clean-smelling for several days, and chases off insect pests. If someone did not have enough pine or cedar to wash the clothes with, they would build a clothes house. After clothes and bedding were dry and partially sterilized by the sun, they would be hung in a closet-like house and a small fire built in a hole outside. A pipe led into the shack, and pieces of wood could be dampened and burned in the hole. cover it but allow some air in. American Indians just hung dried clothes and leather from the roof pole of the house and smoked it that way.
The outhouse had an access dug into the hill. Dad cut a hole in the rock wall and put in a door. Fountain roses hid it from the law. what lay in the bottom was clean-smelling and loaded with earthworms. It still went in the manure pile to compost in heat. niio
Qouth the Raven “Nevermore”
So, when are you going to tear down HIS statues like your so tolerant Brothers in Antifa and Burn Loot murder?
Your opinions about President Jackson are noted and ignored. We have BIGGER Fish to fry than rehashing your opinions. Like surviving the real Here and Now issues. Folks have limited time and money to get ready for the hyperinflation and supply chain issues staring us in the face.
The Australians in the COVID CAMPS have plenty of time to discuss useless opinions from their enforced social distances.
What’s going to help others on this list, your opinions (correct or not) or ideas how to deal with reality? You’re a Self-Proclaimed “Expert” show some real world useful “Expertise”.
you do understand that jackson is the party of the BLM…. he would steal the land and resell it for “profit” to himself.. He turned the job into becoming a millionare as he left office….
so tired of the white washed history.
Raven I cannot disagree, but my point is so what?
The past is unchangeable. We can try to learn from it but for example the current debt situation is far worse than any time in recorded history. So far past the worldwide (including Weimar Germany) debt loads of the Great Depression (A WORLDWIDE situation BTW) and we are busy worrying about Andrew Jackson??
Where in the Rule of 3’s is Political kibbitzing please?
Security? Air? Shelter? Water? Food?
I am sure you have some real-life efforts to help others survive a bit better in the coming ongoing economic disaster falling on us as we speak?
neither party cares dude and they all won’t stop spending…. its over folks.
Miz Kitty: Jackson balanced the budget by murder, slavery, and racism. He took 5 staunch allies of the US and robbed them of everything. After dealing with the Cherokee, the brits were afraid to cause problems, and ditto the French. Dems do love to wipe out our allies and suck up more wealth at the same time. niio
Miss Kitty,
I’m talking about reducing the debt, not balancing the budget. That swap of verbiage is what politicians do. They say they balanced the budget when they agree not to spend more, meanwhile the interest and unfunded liabilities keep adding to the national debt. For the record, presidents after Jackson that have reduced the nation debt during their terms are; Calvin Coolidge, Warren Harding, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, Chester Arthur, Rutherford B. Hayes, Ulysses S Grant, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, and Millard Fillmore. It can be done. conventionofstates.com can get us there.
Calvaryman and others:
Wow…I never thought that a historical reference was going to open up such a can of worms!
My point was simply that the last time we had a “balanced budget” was over one hundred and fifty years ago, and government spending has been chugging along unchecked by anyone for years. EVERYBODY in public office, past and present, is to blame for that.
As to the relevance, again, it’s just to point out that there are no easy solutions to the problem of unchecked government spending, without staging a coup d’etat and purging all of the people in political office…ALL of them.
Reducing the debt/government spending is a worthy goal, but completely unattainable because the fundamental dishonesty, greed and irresponsibility are now endemic. The government is like your slacker little brother who lives in Mom’s basement, smokes weed and plays video games all day and pays his credit card bills with other credit cards and congratulates himself on “having beaten the system”. He will never understand that eventually the credit cards will shut off his credit line and demand payment, or that Mom is getting sick of his “shenanigans” and will eventually kick him out.
Reducing the debt at this point would require a lot of money to even begin to break even, more than what we can raise because like brother in the basement we’ve been buying on credit for years.
If we were to try to stop the spending, the ones who would pay the price initially would be those who get government pensions, social security and the suppliers who depend on the money from government contracts. Then it would snowball across the economy. That’s why the perpetually threatened government shutdowns throw Wall Street into fits and get everyone begging for “a compromise”.
There may be a way to solve this problem, but I don’t have the background. If you have any good ideas on the subject, I’d love to hear them.
You make some very good points, Miss Kitty. Not only are you one smart cookie but you also have boatloads of common sense.
Wonder if I can take my own appendix out if I have to? I still have my appendix and my tonsils.
I agree with you that what we’re facing is a global collapse for so many different reasons. And they just keep piling it on and on so that the collapse is almost a done deal. It’s like they’re doing everything they can to force the old system to collapse. So are they working for us or against us? Tough love?
They started the latest debt based monetary experiment with the creation of the FED in 1913 knowing full well that at some point the system was destined to fail.
What I fail to realize is why they keep creating a faulty system over and over again. They aren’t that stupid. Surely there must be a way to create a better monetary system that actually lasts and works. Or is it that the human race needs a kick in the pants regularly to evolve properly or else we become too complacent and stagnate. H’mm. Something I’ve never thought of before. It seems that our greatest achievements and our greatest growth happen in the periods of our greatest stress such as a world war or a global collapse. The weak will be swept away and the strong will survive. Do our captors actually WANT their pets to grow and evolve. H’mm.
Hopefully by now most of us, including you MK, have prepped enough so that we have sufficient food and water on hand to last us for at least 6 months or more. I don’t recall if you told me if you have access to a garden or not. Because after a while we should be planning to grow as much of our own food as possible to supplement our supplies. If possible trade with a farmer for a couple of hens and a rooster. I CAN have chickens here where I live but I have to have a minimum of 2.5 acres. I don’t have 2 1/2 acres.
Water will be more important than food. I find if I’m working really hard, and it doesn’t even have to be outside in the summer, I’ll go through almost a gallon of water per day. If worse comes to worse I’m prepared to dig my own well in the backyard. I’ll MAKE room for it. I know how to do it. It’ll just be a LOT of work. I expect to lose weight doing it. I don’t think the water table is down much more than about 50 feet. At the most. This was originally a swamp until the Dutch came along, Drained the swamp and built canals.
While I’m pretty sure that we’ll still be in danger from the have-nots wanting to take from the haves I think you’re spot on about the little things getting us. Those little unexpected things that come up that we didn’t think of. That reminds me to stock up on booze. Now I just have to figure out which of my neighbours I can trust the most with a pair of vice grips if I have to have a tooth pulled.
Once the collapse happens we’ll just have to be a little more careful. Make sure the mat’s in the tub before we step in there. Be a little more careful on ladders. Put our poop chair as far from the house as possible. Maybe even build a small outhouse now. Be especially careful with canned food. Don’t eat out of any can directly before cooking the food. I did look this up. Hopefully one of you can confirm before I end poisoning any of you. Apparently even Botulism pathogens can be killed by cooking for at least 10-15 minutes at 85C or above. I don’t know what that converts to in F. If I’m going to do something like that I’ll boil it for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Better in a pressure cooker if the electricity still works. I’m close enough to sea level so that boiling temp of water is only 1-2 degrees below 212F.
I did put it to the test and I’m still alive so I guess it works. One of my cans was domed and leaking. Didn’t want to toss it. I think it was a can of….crushed tomatoes. So opened it up and smelled it. Didn’t look bad nor smell bad. So I put it into my pressure cooker and cooked it for 20 minutes. Ate it with some pasta. Was very good and I’m still here.
My biggest worry is if I can still pay my bills and hang onto the house once they reset the currency and bring in a new system. I really don’t want to lose the house just because of a measly global economic collapse.
Keep prepping. Take care. xoxo
You are courageous to have eaten the domed can of tomatoes. I am not so sure I would have but I am glad that you survived. An area food bank put out a listing of how long after their pull dates certain foods are just fine. There is a lot more flexibility than we would expect. My opinion is that some of the pull dates are only there to encourage us to purchase a newer product sooner. I kept a stack of no.10 cans of freeze dried foods that I had left in the garage during super hot summer days. (They’re inside the house now.) My thought is that if things get dire enough, they might be worth testing out.
Your concern about keeping your home is one that I share. My property taxes are due this month, then HOA fees and such. Both entities are capable of taking my home if I don’t pay them. If our currency does change, I wonder about the desire to make all of us peasants vagabonds.
In this country, certain groups get special treatment and gifts from the government and other entities. I don’t fall into any of the favored groups but I wonder how long will that specialized treatment last. All the hopes for dividing us as a people by treating us unequally is the goal of those in power. For those who are currently getting the perks, they won’t be as ready when things do change and all the perks go away.
Some years ago, I found a publication on line that was designed for medical missionaries in primitive countries. It has simple enough to understand instructions for minor surgeries. Practical Plastic Surgery for Nonsurgeons. It was published over 20 years ago by Hanley & Belfus, Inc. Maybe there are more books out there designed for medical missionaries as they are working in countries without the medical licensing issues.
You mentioned chickens. I wonder about keeping quail. They are small enough to keep on the back porch and some are very quiet. They eggs can have more of a nutritional punch than chicken eggs.
No matter what, it is good to read your comments and others here. I don’t have exactly like minded people in my neighborhood so it is good to read of the dedication others have.
Oh…my… GOD!!?
You ate – on purpose and out of curiosity rather than rock bottom need, mind you – contaminated food?
Do you have ANY idea AT ALL how LUCKY you are to still be alive!?!?! Botulism contaminates everything even a tiny splash gets on to – you have to sterilize or destroy all of the germs or spores or if it gets into your system (even through your skin) it can kill you or paralyze you.
All to prove a theory.
Have you seen one of those “mad mom” steamers for cleaning your microwave? That’s what I look like now, lol but I’m still mad at you for taking such a risk.xoxo
Miss Kitty,
Thank you for your more proper reaction to Armin’s little experiment. I was a little too flat-lined about it. We do want all of us on this forum to stay healthy.
@Sagebrush Lin

@Sagebrush Lin
I don’t know so much about courageous, Lin. Maybe more foolish. Maybe a little of both. But I had to know. Hopefully I didn’t distress you too much by telling you the story. And it might not have been botulism at all. The can was just domed and leaking a little bit. You can’t tell by looking at it or smelling it. Maybe there was nothing at all wrong with that can. I didn’t go in blind and if something went wrong I knew what symptoms to look for. There’s a big hospital about 15 minutes away. If it had been infected by botulism and I started to get sick it takes a while for botulism to kill you. I would have been alright. I did look up botulism before I started my little experiment. It did say it could be killed by boiling the food above 85 C (185 F). I used the insta pot to cook the tomatoes and longer than the article suggested. So I wasn’t entirely foolish. In the insta pot the temp would have been higher because of the increased pressure. So I felt pretty confident.
Your freeze-dried foods should be ok as long as the cans are sealed. Most FD have a shelf life of at least a decade or longer. I have some on hand in mylar bags. Storing them in a dark cool dry place where the meeses can’t get at them. Will keep them for last if I run out of the other stuff. Tried a couple of them. Not that impressed. They’re definitely survival food.
As re our homes I really do hope you’ve had the resources and foresight to have a little gold and silver on hand, Lin. You’ll need that if a hyperinflation scenario unfolds. They can’t kick us all out. Even in hyperinflation there have to be laws and rules. You are the rightful owner of that house. You have a deed. Indeed.
The two big things I have to pay at the end of the year is my fire insurance which keeps going up every year. Why am I surprised. My house is barely 1200 square feet and 2 stories. My insurance is $1300 per year. I wanted to pay it up front in case things go very badly in ’22. And then there are my house taxes. For a little place like that I pay a little over $3000 per year. I have enough resources on hand that instead of paying it quarterly I’ll pay it all off at the beginning of the year. Again, just in case.
No, you’re not rich enough to get any special treatment from the gov’t. That’s only reserved for people like Tesla and Besoz and Gates, et al.
We CAN’T let them divide us, Lin. We may be the last bulwark against a tyrannical government. Your 2nd amendment still says that the people have the right to bear arms and organize against a tyrannical government. If they manage to bring in a digital currency then I don’t know what we’ll do against it. At that point they’ll have us by the short and curlies.
It may be an idea to get something like Surgery for Dummies or something like that. I figure if my appendix and tonsils are still good now they should be good for another ten years or so. The only reason they take tonsils out is because they get infected. They have to be there for a reason. I think they provide that extra layer of protection and help our immune system.
People keep mentioning the smaller birds and I keep forgetting about them. You mention quail and they might be the ideal bird to keep. They’re quiet and they’re very prolific layers. I’d have to build them a shelter from the tree rats. There are a lot around here. I hate those little buggers. Definitely something to consider, Lin. I might be able to sneak them past the bylaws. I think the bylaws only mentioned chickens. Will have to check.
I feel the same, Lin. So glad I have you and Miss Kitty and red and LCC and a few others to talk with. Makes me feel part of a community of very smart people. For all you know you may have more preppers in your neighbourhood than you think. There are a lot of people slowly starting to wake up. The problem is how do you ask someone if they’re a prepper or not. If they’re not then you’ve given the game away and they know where to come if it all goes sideways. You have to walk a very fine line being a prepper. Hopefully you’re not alone in this and you’re good with a gun.
As always, Lin. Stay safe. Be prepared. Be aware. Global conditions seem to be changing daily.
@Miss Kitty
I really didn’t expect this kind of reaction. I know. I’m a Neanderthal. An unthinking idiot.
And I certainly didn’t want to cause anyone any kind of distress. Felt kind of bad when I read the flat line comment from LIn. Kinda winced at that. I think you and Lin would get along really well. But I did prepare for the worst case scenario. Did my research and my due diligence and did cook it in the insta pot. Higher pressure higher temperature. So I’m not COMPLETELY crazy. Well. Maybe a little. Had absolutely no adverse reactions.. They do say God protects fools and Irishmen. LOL! Gotta be a little Irish in my heritage there somewhere. 
I know you’re angry with me and you probably have every right to be. In retrospect maybe I shouldn’t have told you that story.
For all I know there was absolutely nothing wrong with that can of tomatoes to begin with. I’ll never know. Maybe I did just get “lucky”. When I was reading up on botulism (the worst case scenario) it mentioned something about PH levels and botulism not doing very well in acidic environments. But I HAD to know and I DID take some precautions. I have a hospital very close by just in case it went badly.
If I open a can and it LOOKS or SMELLS bad it definitely gets thrown out but luckily I haven’t run across any of those yet. I store all my cans in a cool dark dry space and they seem to be doing ok so far. First in first out.
I had to look up mad mom steamer because I’ve never heard of it before today. That’s the face, eh? Oh, dear. I don’t think I want to see that in real life. Wish I give you a big hug for caring so much. As fierce as you can be you have such a huge heart. Women keep blowing my mind. My marriage didn’t exactly go all that well so I pooched the dog on that one. I was definitely an idiot on that one. I’m not the kind of person to go for one night stands. I suppose I could if I wanted to. I could be charming. Con the poor woman. Get her half plastered. Then wham bang thank you ma’am. I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the eye next morning. And I might pick up an STD along the way. No thanks. But I’m not that kind of person. My take on relationships is this, Miss Kitty. If two people (heterosexual) just get together for sex that’s not love. It’s lust. That kind of activity brings us closer to the level of animals as opposed to true love lifting us closer to the level of angels. I choose to fly in the realm of the angels. For that to happen two people first have to build a foundation. The foundation has to be built on friendship. Friendship means mutual respect and actually just liking to be with each other. Enjoying each other’s company without wanting to jump on each other every two minutes. If those two people are very lucky then sometimes that friendship can naturally turn into a deep and abiding love. Lust can never turn into love but sometimes a real friendship CAN! Re my relationships with women I’m in for the long term not the short run. She’s out there somewhere. Just haven’t found her yet. And maybe in this lifetime I’m not supposed to find her. What’s supposed to happen will happen and I’m ok with whatever the universe has in store for me. I don’t want to cause you or Lin that kind of distress again so I will curtail my experiments with stored food. If I see another can that looks dicey out it goes. I have enough on hand for two lifetimes. Stay safe MIs Kitty and always have the protection of God. Thank you for caring so much. Means a lot to me. BIG HUG!
Sorry I went off on you. You’re very understanding. I just worry about all of our “people” here. I wouldn’t nag if I didn’t care….
Moving on…
I read a sci Fi novel some time ago that posited the theory that life is essentially a video game, where you work through the levels by solving puzzles, but when you “die” you have to start over again from scratch and can’t bring any skills with you, and your memory gets wiped, so you can’t learn from your mistakes, except on a muscle memory level.
To me, that seems kinda pointless unless you are allowed to learn and correct your reactions, but maybe it is somehow encoded in our DNA over generations or multiple incarnations.
Miss Kitty,
I’m glad we can agree that it is a systemic problem with all political persuasions contributing. I see from your comments we actually agree on a lot more. We simply have different ways of going about the solution. I believe that correcting this mess is attainable.
I believe your solution of a coup d’etat is the way this will have to play out. I only see two ways to get the current politicians out, a violent one and a peaceful one. Some would say by way of the first amendment and some by the second amendment. I’m striving for the first amendment but like most on this blog believe it is prudent to prepare for the second. I’ve been in countries during and after their civil wars and I’m trying to avoid that death and destruction. That is why I’m trying to get people to go to Convention Of States (COS) to change the constitution. It is the constitution that is the peaceful solution. The current COS has three points. One, term limits on congress, which will force the bureaucrats out over time and just maybe put in representatives of the people for a change. Two, a balanced federal budget requirement. I believe you would like that one. Three, constrain and reduce the federal governments powers over the states and citizens. I believe that most everyone on this blog can agree that the federal government has grown out of control. The one size fits all of the federal government mandates do not work.
As you have pointed out it’s taken decades to get us into this mess were in. If we take my approach, I know it will take decades to get us out. I’m also aware that should these amendments pass, I will lose most or all of my military pension and social security. I’ve accepted that as a small price to pay for saving this republic.
Here’s a quote from COS, “Washington, D.C., will never voluntarily relinquish its own power, no matter who is elected. The only rational conclusion is this: unless some political force outside of Washington, D.C., intervenes, the federal government will continue to bankrupt this nation, embezzle the legitimate authority of the states, and destroy the liberty of the people. Rather than securing the blessings of liberty for future generations, Washington, D.C., is on a path that will enslave our children and grandchildren to the debts of the past.”
Armin you CAN kill the Botulism Organism BUT the Botulism TOXIN is Not destroyed by any level of cooking heat.
Depending on the amount of TOXIN Ingested you Might NOT make it 15 minutes to the hospital for treatment.
Please don’t do that again. Thank you.
Miz Kitty: Yes! Armin needed a spanking for that. You’re totally correct in what you said. Each time I got food poisoning, I took 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary, poured boiling water over it, cover, let it steep for 10 minutes, then sipped. 1 cup usually knocks out all effects from the toxins. Sometimes 2 but never more than that. This is why rosemary is so popular in cooking, because Europeans used to age meat till it was close to rotting. Nasty, but true. Walk in His beauty and a Merry Christmas!
We will “all” stand before GOD.
He will jugde each according to thy works.
For those that stay in there faith in him and in his son, shell have everlasting life in his presents.
“ALL OTHERS” WILL be casted into the lake of the burning sulfer…
That is what (we should be worried about, is our eternal life.)..
Seek Him, before “HE” (stops seeking YOU.)
take a real good look in the MIRROR, because that is the face that GOD will be looking at
Hey, red ant. Do you think God ever gives up on us? I don’t. An ultimate being of eternal love would never give up on us. I think that’s a faulty argument.
God never gives up on us as He does love each one of us but He does give us the choice. He is not going to force Himself on anyone.
I have spoken with a critical care nurse about her times next to the beds of dying patients. Even those who are barely cognizant can still make the choice with their last breath. All they had to do is call out His name, “Jesus”. It is up to us to choose.
@ Armin
NO, He will never give up on us.
“We” will be the one’s to give up on HIM.
1 Corinthians 15:51-56
this says much to what is and will be.
Thank you GOD for your son JESUS CHRIST…
@red ant
There are those that NEVER choose to seek the light.
@ Armin
Sad, but there are those that “know him” and still won’t seek Him.
Sad but there are those that know Him and still look to all other things to try and fulfill there desire to find something else’s, other then HIM.
But for there is ONLY one way to eternal life and ONLY one way, be it Thru his Son.
NO!!! other way and that is very clear, GOD says..
Good morning, everyone. I hope you’re all keeping well. This is the latest article from Claude so the easiest way to contact all of you. The latest from the main stream media that I heard this morning is that they’re telling us to expect a large spike in food prices in the coming year. While this isn’t any news to all of you living in the US this is the point I’m trying to make. If they’re telling us, up here in Canada, through the major news outlets that food prices are going to go up significantly come the new year that means that in the US food prices are going to spike even worse. I would seriously urge all of you to increase your prepping activities as much as you can. It’s coming and it’s just round the corner. Prepare NOW! If some of you are still sitting on the fence now is the time to stop procrastinating. Food and water most important. Do whatever you can to keep yourself and those you love safe. Take care. All the best.
I wonder if some of the foods we’re seeing in the stores today are lower quality than in times past. Several times I have found foods for sale that are past their pull date. Today I purchased a cut of meat that I have never seen before. It was a 7 bone roast. It had lots of bones and fat but it was only $2.99 a pound. The quality of the meat, what there was of it, was very low end. Tomorrow I will pop it into a big pot for bone broth. I have an australian shepard to feed so she will be happy.
I think that the idea of keeping quail is a good plan. They are so very cute so I would have to be pretty hungry to eat one. A family came through my yard this summer and one of the little babies fell inside a concrete block so I had the chance to hold a baby chick for half a second. They seem to like sunflower seeds and scratching for bugs but not too much else. I don’t know about feeding them their favorite foods during a time of scarcity and if they would just stop eating if it isn’t their preferred food.
Sagebrush Lin:
Had to look it up, but 7 bone roast is a cut used for slow cooked pot roast and stews. Yum!
Don’t forget, quail eggs can be used like chicken eggs… they’re just a lot smaller. Considered a delicacy, fancy restaurants and upscale markets may still be interested in buying your surplus, or you can use them yourself. I don’t know how many a typical quail lays in a week, but eggs are good protein and you can keep your flock more as productive pets if that’s what works for you. I would advise reading up on it before committing. Ducks may be permitted even if chickens are not, so check your zoning.?
A seven bone roast is the caviar of the roast family.
Bet your dog loved it and wants you to make that mistake again. ?
2.99 a pound ain’t bad.
I ask my butcher all the time for a seven bone in roast and he just laughs and says. not today.
They are hard to come by.
Sage: I use wire cages over greens because quail will wipe them out. Seedbeds, definitely. Every garlic plant is missing at least part of one leaf. About one in ten garlic planted is gone. Last year it was onions. They like seeds from amaranth as well as maize and so on. They wrecked a lot of maize till I put water pans in the beds for them. niio
Red Ant,
I think the cow that this roast came from is different than what I am used to. The fat is extra sticky. When I get meat from healthier cows, the fat isn’t quite so sticky. The fat from grass fed cows isn’t as adhesive so I am guessing this was a feed lot cow. When I lived in another state, I regularly could find buffalo meat for sale. That was very clean and healthy meat so I tend to measure everything with that high standard. This 7 bone roast spent enough time in the oven to get the bones caramelized a bit so it is creating a good batch of bone broth.
Just a few items more that most preppers may not think about having on hand…
-Glycerin suppositories. They help you poop. If you aren’t eating enough roughage and need a little something to prime the pump, these are probably one of the safer laxatives that you can use. Glycerin is also safe for topical use if you have dry skin, so you can use one of them to moisturize. Maybe have a separate bottle?
-Witch hazel. Good for toning the skin, but also useful for bug bites, sunburn, hemmorroids, and as an after shave lotion.
-Medicated powder. Great for prickly heat, chafing, sore feet.
-Castile soap. This is a mild soap that lathers well in hard or cold water and can be used for dishes, bath and laundry. Kirk’s is a good brand, and is a bit cheaper than Dr. Brommer’s. Bar soap is cheaper than liquid and easier to store and transport.
-Sugar. It’s getting expensive, and someone will need a birthday cake or something special at some point.
Miss Kitty,
Good plan with the something to help with the digestive system. We all might have our diet disrupted and maybe the tension of the situation will affect our digestive systems. Something that I have noticed in so many of the century old cookbooks is that they often have a section of foods for those who are ill or invalid. My guess is that with the lack of refrigeration and no indoor plumbing, people got sick more often.
Sagebrush Lin:
If you look at cookbooks from the late 1800’s, early 1900’s, all of them have at least a few recipes for “invalid food”. Some of them have entire chapters devoted to “sick care”.
Most medical care was given at home, with a doctor coming in on a house call to diagnose and order treatments and medication for the patient. Aged people were routinely cared for at home by the family, and multigenerational families were the norm.
An excellent resource for managing home care is:
I thought of you when I read this quote from “American Red Cross Text-Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick” by Jane A. Delano, Anne Hervey Strong, American Red Cross –
“AMERICAN RED CROSS TEXT-BOOK ON HOME CARE OF THE SICK” by Jane Delano, R.N. It’s a public domain book I downloaded free from Amazon on the Kindle app. This is a valuable addition to the home library of anyone who may need to care for sick family members, and in a shtf situation such as hospitals being overwhelmed (sound familiar?) it gives good advice for caring for the invalid patient as well as the aged, children and anyone else.
As always, if there are acute symptoms and you can access a doctor do so, but for post operative care or home care of minor illness upon discharge, this has a lot of good info.
Red, I haven’t seen any white birch soda for decades. I don’t drink soda but birch soda is different. I once had some pancake syrup made from Birch. It was very light and delicate.
As a general note regarding baking bread in jars and then sealing them — I baked up a bunch of banana bread. I put the jars on a very large jelly roll pan. The pan was too large and trapped too much of the heat below. The result was that the top half baked up very nicely but the bottom half is doughy. I really don’t know how to fix it, other than popping the lids off and rebaking them without the pan.
Sage: Next time use the waterbath canner to steam the jars. No, I do not know if it would work as well. For that matter, if you have a large enough pot with a lid that can be used in the oven with jars, I’d try that.
Birch-, root beer, and ginger beer are the only sodas I drink, and that rarely because I don’t make a lot. Right now, corn beer. 2 lbs popcorn, sprouted…
Miz Kitty, xylitol isn’t cheap, but is supped to be good for you, an oxymoron among sweeteners. It’s supposed to help heal cracks in the enamel, as well. It’s made from birches. Birch beer started out as a medicinal tonic/happy hour
It’s one of the better ones, but xylitol can cause diarrhea and gas in susceptible people. I have problems with a lot of sweeteners and foods that way. Good article at Web MD on it. It can also be used to treat sinus problems and ear infection.
Xylitol is not cheap but I have a special affection for anything from a birch tree. I ordered some Alaska Chaga, which is a fungus type growth on a birch tree.
Xylitol can kill a dog or at least make it very ill with hypoglycemia, liver failure, etc.
Sage: Good to know. Me, I love black birch. Birch beer, root beer, and tea. For the best white birch soda (no coloring added to the birch beer, so it’s clear) I have to go to Penna. Missed that this year, but hopefully next year I can get a few cases and branches to brew my own beer with it. niio
Green tea is something else that we should consider stockpiling. There was an excellent article on the Bob Livingston Report on green tea and it’s health benefits. Antioxidants are only some of the benefits.
I read a novel a few years ago set in a lumber camp in the late 1800’s, and surprisingly very strong green tea was the beverage of choice over coffee because it was believed that the tea would help the men stay healthy. I was able to confirm that bit of information, but if it didn’t work the practice probably would not have caught on.
Sometimes you can find information in surprising places.
To Everyone:
Please every one watch your back…
People are watching people going out and coming home, so they can ROB YOU.
Please everyone keep a watch out for the SCUM BAGS that want to Rob you.
They may try and steal your food that you just bought from the store.
Carry your wepon, so you can defend your self. WE will carry OURS every where and ALL the time. NOW!!!
Me and my wife are watching each others back, when we are at the store or just out and about. More now then ever…
The trash people are coming out to steal, kill and destroy.
It’s going to get much worse.
good points… Its why i carry a spare mag and a glock 20 in 10mm. Plus having a truck gun helps if you need to put some hate.
Well… so sad… I am not from the U.S. but my heart aches for all the people who were caught in that devastating tornado last night through Kentucky, etc.
No way to prep for a disaster like that!